3 Simple Steps For Spiritual And Financial Fitness Part 1
Are you living in a state of debt? It's not just about the money.
Even the richest people are in a state of debt. Prosperity and abundance
are the new wealth ich-kann-zunehmen.
You can get out of debt, and all it takes is a shift in your thoughts.
It's time to create balance, banish negative thinking, and work on your
spiritual fitness. Debt is a state of mind created by erroneous thoughts
about people around us, or connected to us, and situations we usually
can't control. To experience lasting change, you have to change your will first pet clear boxes manufacturer.
Beloved speaker Norman Vincent Peale affirmed, "Change your thoughts
and you change your world." You have everything you need in this very
moment. You must grasp hold of that prosperity. It is not easy, but what
worth doing ever is? You have to work to change your way of thinking in
order to even start to shift in you heart. You can make outside changes
to manage your money, but if you don't make inside changes, it is all
for nothing; you cannot make lasting change without a change in
consciousness. You may be surprised to find out that debt isn't only about finances Venetian blinds.
Debt happens when we refuse to let go of negative, unforgiving thoughts
about people and situations, thoughts that keep us feeling less than
and lacking. Abundance, however, is the state of consciousness that
realized a long time ago that we have resources we can utilize. It all
starts up top... from your mind down. This article details step one in
eliminating your debt mindset and creating spiritual and financial
fitness, so read on, my friend. The first step for attaining
spiritual and financial fitness is TO RELEASE THE OLD--mentally,
emotionally and physically-- and make space for what is for your highest
good. You have to let go of clutter, which is a block to the flow of
your energy, and release stuff and ways of thinking that no longer serve
you. First things first--Do some forgiveness work. Create a
list of people you need to open your heart to and forgive...; and who
need to forgive you, and work with it. Design some sort of ritual or
visualization if it will make you feel better, or write a them a letter.
I know forgivness work isn't exactly the most fun activity, probably
far from it in fact, but this is a necessary step to your abundant life.
The energy you spend harboring hate drains you of your
vitality. You are giving them a safe harbor in your mind; As a matter of
fact, you're giving them your spare room! You're making them
comfortable, offering them a comforter, a cup of cocoa, your HARD-EARNED
ENERGY that is stuck in unforgiveness. It's good to release that mental
garbage--for your own sake, not theirs! On a material level,
you need to clean out the junk in your living and work areas. In the
ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, clutter is a block for your energy. If
you have junk piles in your kitchen, office, and den, it's hard to move
around your home wholesale beads.
It's a huge enery and time suck. Get rid of the stuff you don't need
and the stuff you don't even like. If you loathe it, why is it still in
your house? Give all that extra stuff away to someone else who
will cherish it. If you glance around you, you will see things you are
tired of or don't really need. What about that weird impressionist
painting that doesn't match a thing? Or that paisley print top you
bought because it was on sale? It it would be perfect for a friend or
family member, give it to them. They will feel abundant because you
thought of them--and you will be free of extra "stuff" that is taking up
room you could use for something you truly love. Remember that
there are many charities who would be thrilled to receive your
donations. You can even increase your prosperity by writing off these
things on your taxes. You can sell items on eBay or Craig's List and
donate the money to charity. You can keep it, but do remember to tithe
that money back to something that nourishes you...; life coaching, your
church, or even your fitness organization or instructor. Your yoga
instructor would love that paisley top I mentioned earlier, by the way?
There is something else that impedes our spiritual and financial
fitness. In fact, the first thing people give up when they get too busy
is their "me time." They give up the time they spend de-stressing and
replace it with with distress. You need to take a break or you just
might break. There's no way you would give up those things that nourish
your body. Why sacrifice the nourishment of your soul? Either
while exercising or enjoying the quiet, use meditation to blast through
that mental clutter. No matter what, I practice the Reiki Method of
Natural Stress and Pain Relief every morning. I've been practicing for
two decades now and I can't imagine my day without it. I'm far from a
morning person, so my daily Reiki practice helps me get out of bed and
start my day right. So here are your action steps, friend. For
the first step of releasing the old, I want you to focus on clearing the
clutter, on all levels, and start in the right direction. Make your
forgiveness list. Forgive the people on it. Clear out the clutter in
your house. Clean out your closet, house, garage, car, cubby at work,
whatever! And remember to take care of you. Let's face it. You need to
take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Trust me on
this one; you will feel better and be a better person for it.
Don't forget to stay tuned for the next article in this series in which
you will find out about another vital step to your spiritual and
financial fitness nakea. Let's get you all trained up and ready to run a prosperity marathon, alrighty? Order by www.cyepcb.com