October 2012 - Creating Space For Creativity
A time for evaluating and creativity.
You could be evaluating almost everything this month: Finances, work,
environment, relationships, career, projects, health, practices,
routines, home, your physical environment, your reactions to things,
your beliefs, your spiritual life etc. The big question will be, "How
important is it in your life, and does it serve you?" If not, there are
adjustments to be made xihalife. In
order to evaluate anything you need to have the space and time to do
it. There is a breather this month as the very yang action influence
backs off a bit and allows us more clarity about what we have been doing
and what we have involved ourselves in. If adjustments are in order
don't be afraid to make them. This is about putting yourself first and
trusting that the right decisions will lead to the creativity needed to
implement them CO-Sensor products. One
of the challenges will be to face the truth in your evaluation of
something that may be a hard truth to see. If you allow yourself to be
deeply disappointed, you will be. A great deal of neutrality this month
will serve you better around facing some of these difficult but
necessary truths. Remember that no matter how hard these adjustments are
to make, they will bring great rewards of creativity and expansion. How do you evaluate something in your life? The first clue is that it does not feel right. It does not serve you recovery-truck.
It gives you no satisfaction and it is an energy leak. When you put
energy out, something has to come back. If it doesn't, there is
something wrong with the picture. If you feel drained instead of just
simply tired after a day's activities, you were not nurtured and fed by
your experiences. Always ask yourself, "What am I getting out of this?" True
service towards others always feels good. Service offered out of ego,
ingratiation, fear of rejection, Self-deprecation or Martyrdom is doomed
from the beginning and will not end well. Learn to be discerning and to
differentiate between right service and ego driven involvement. The
other big energy leak is getting overinvolved in other people's drama.
Evaluate this with neutrality and practical truth. Remove yourself from
this unhealthy waste of time no matter how deliciously it may beckon
you. How do you make adjustments? These will be different
depending on each individual circumstance. The key is to adjust
gradually by weaning yourself away from activities, relationships,
practices and habits that do not serve you. Once in awhile it is
appropriate to change something completely and dramatically but often it
is too much for the ego to handle all at once.
Think it through. There is enough intellectually centered support to
bring clarity and mental problem solving into the picture this month Window Decoration Product.
Beware of impulsive decisions and give everything just a bit more time
to sort itself out before making an adjustment. If there is no clarity,
wait until there is before moving ahead. You may run into
something that needs to be adjusted that seems overwhelming to you.
Start with the baby steps and do at least something towards a greater
adjustment that may take a much longer time to accomplish. This would be
the case in a huge change such as changing careers or making a big move
or ending a long-term partnership. Sometimes just the decision to
finally make this adjustment in your life is enough as long as you are
committed to it. So how does creativity fit into this picture? We
are still under the influence of the Artisan with Creativity as a major
theme for the year. What blocks creativity is the encumbrance of all
those things and activities that don't serve you. Once you have cleared
the decks and made space for something new, creating is the next natural
step. In fact once you feel unencumbered, you may begin to feel more
creative. Use your creativity as the inspiration and fuel for what you
want to manifest. The opportunities are for getting yourself
realigned, for seeing great results in your creative endeavors and for
manifesting more balance and well being for yourself. In other words,
you could end this month feeling really great. The challenges as
usual will come from fear, resistance and confusion. As we mentioned
last month, action always cures fear. Decisiveness around taking action
towards adjustments will keep things flowing and not taking everything
personally will keep you neutral. How the month shows up: YOU PERSONALLY This
is a great opportunity to make profound changes and adjustments in your
personal life that will serve you better. You have support for ending
this time frame feeling better and in a better situation than you have
ever experienced before... The above is an excerpt from the monthly forecast. The
author of this commentary, Lena Stevens, is the co-founder of an
international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and
application of shamanism and wisdom. Lena Stevens has co-authored books
with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the
Spirit Power Within You mivendo.
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