Gastric Cancer and Diagnosis by Dafit Hartono - Free Articles
often begins on the side where the inflamed stomach lining. But many
experts believe that inflammation is the result of stomach cancer, not
as a cause of cancer toma.
Some experts argue, gastric ulcers can cause cancer. But most people
with ulcers and gastric cancer, the possibility that cancer is not
detected before neck formed. Helicobacter pylori, bacteria that play an
important role in duodenal ulcer, could also play a role in the
occurrence of gastric cancer.
Gastric polyp, a benign growth of the round, which grew into the
cavity of the stomach, allegedly a sign of cancer and therefore always
polyps removed Stand-alone CO Alarm. Cancer may occur in conjunction with certain types of polyps, the polyps larger than 1.8 cm or polyps of more than 1.
Certain food factors predicted a role in gastric cancer growth. These
factors include: - High salt intake - High carbohydrate intake - Intake
of preservatives (nitrates) high - Intake of green vegetables and fruit
But none of these factors that have proven causes kank
SYMPTOMS In early-stage gastric cancer, the symptoms are not obvious
and often ignored. If symptoms develop, can help determine where the
location of these gastric cancer server RAM memory. For example, feeling full or uncomfortable after eating may indicate a cancer in the lower stomach.
Weight loss or fatigue usually caused by eating difficulties or inability to absorb some vitamins and minerals.
Anemia can be caused by gradual bleeding that does not cause other
symptoms. Sometimes patients may also experience a lot of vomiting blood
(haematemesis) or remove blackish stools (melena).
When gastric cancer increases, there may be palpable mass in the abdominal wall.
In the early stages, the small gastric tumors can spread
(metastasize) to distant places. The spread of the tumor can cause
enlarged liver, jaundice (jaundice), fluid collection in the abdomen
(ascites) and skin nodules are malignant. The spread of cancer can also
cause bone loss, resulting in broken bones leather & briefcases.
Early gastric cancer is a malignancy in the gastric mucosa is still
localized in the submucosal without notice and are metastatic or not.
Terminology of early gastric cancer is the terminology patalogi anatomik after surgery.
Classification of gastric cancer
1. Early gastric cancer
2. Advanced gastric cancer
Classification of early gastric cancer originated from Japan in various forms.
1. Early gastric cancer type I
When cancer occurs at a mucosal protrusion, for example on the surface of polyps
1. Early gastric cancer type II
Abnormalities in flat mucosa. 1. Type II A = odd little cause 2. Type II B = flat surface 3. type II C = concave surface
2. Early gastric cancer type III
Chromatography of Endoscopy
The definition of chromatography as a diagnostic endoscopy is a
technique through endoscopy with intestinal mucosa gives color to give /
inject dye, for example blue for gastric metilen current and newly
introduced is by a technique of coloring with a special light called NBI
(Narrow Band Imaging).
Chromatography pigment
For the diagnosis of gastric cancer used metilen blue. Regional cancer take / smoke color, so that more blue than normal mucosa.
NBI (Narrow Band Imaging) is the technology of capillary blood
vessels staining of gastrointestinal mucosa with lighting without the
red light rays. With NBI visible blue veins. Be very clearly seen the
picture (pattern) capillary and arteriole even venulae. Lighting
techniques NBI with cancer losing the image regions of blood vessels,
thus biopsy site becomes more focused churchbud. Order by